LoggerFactoryAdapter interface is used internally by LogManager Only developers wishing to write new Common.Logging adapters need to worry about this interface.
For a list of all members of this type, see ILoggerFactoryAdapter Members .
Type | Description |
EntLibLoggerFactoryAdapter | Adapts the EnterpriseLibrary 4.1 logging system to Common.Logging. |
EntLibLoggerFactoryAdapter | Adapts the EnterpriseLibrary 3.1 logging system to Common.Logging. |
AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter | An implementation of ILoggerFactoryAdapter that caches loggers handed out by this factory. |
Log4NetLoggerFactoryAdapter | Concrete subclass of ILoggerFactoryAdapter specific to log4net 1.2.9. |
Log4NetLoggerFactoryAdapter | Concrete subclass of ILoggerFactoryAdapter specific to log4net 1.2.10. |
NLogLoggerFactoryAdapter | Concrete subclass of ILoggerFactoryAdapter specific to NLog |
AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter | Base factory implementation for creating simple ILog instances. |
CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter | An adapter, who's loggers capture all log events and send them to AddEvent. Retrieve the list of log events from LoggerEvents. |
ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter | Factory for creating ILog instances that write data to Out. |
NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter | Factory for creating ILog instances that silently ignores logging requests. |
TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter | Factory for creating ILog instances that send everything to the Trace output stream. |
Namespace: Common.Logging
Assembly: Common.Logging (in Common.Logging.dll)
ILoggerFactoryAdapter Members | Common.Logging Namespace