Common Logging 2.0 API Reference

ILoggerFactoryAdapter Interface

LoggerFactoryAdapter interface is used internally by LogManager Only developers wishing to write new Common.Logging adapters need to worry about this interface.

For a list of all members of this type, see ILoggerFactoryAdapter Members .

[Visual Basic]
Public Interface ILoggerFactoryAdapter
public interface ILoggerFactoryAdapter

Types that implement ILoggerFactoryAdapter

Type Description
EntLibLoggerFactoryAdapter Adapts the EnterpriseLibrary 4.1 logging system to Common.Logging.
EntLibLoggerFactoryAdapter Adapts the EnterpriseLibrary 3.1 logging system to Common.Logging.
AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter An implementation of ILoggerFactoryAdapter that caches loggers handed out by this factory.
Log4NetLoggerFactoryAdapter Concrete subclass of ILoggerFactoryAdapter specific to log4net 1.2.9.
Log4NetLoggerFactoryAdapter Concrete subclass of ILoggerFactoryAdapter specific to log4net 1.2.10.
NLogLoggerFactoryAdapter Concrete subclass of ILoggerFactoryAdapter specific to NLog
AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter Base factory implementation for creating simple ILog instances.
CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter An adapter, who's loggers capture all log events and send them to AddEvent. Retrieve the list of log events from LoggerEvents.
ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter Factory for creating ILog instances that write data to Out.
NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter Factory for creating ILog instances that silently ignores logging requests.
TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter Factory for creating ILog instances that send everything to the Trace output stream.


Namespace: Common.Logging

Assembly: Common.Logging (in Common.Logging.dll)

See Also

ILoggerFactoryAdapter Members | Common.Logging Namespace