Common Logging 2.0 API Reference

ILog.Fatal Method

Log a message with the Fatal level using a callback to obtain the message

Overload List

Log a message with the Fatal level using a callback to obtain the message

void Fatal(Action<FormatMessageHandler>)

Log a message with the Fatal level using a callback to obtain the message

void Fatal(Action<FormatMessageHandler>,Exception)

Log a message with the Fatal level using a callback to obtain the message

void Fatal(IFormatProvider,Action<FormatMessageHandler>)

Log a message with the Fatal level using a callback to obtain the message

void Fatal(IFormatProvider,Action<FormatMessageHandler>,Exception)

Log a message object with the Fatal level.

void Fatal(object)

Log a message object with the Fatal level including the stack trace of the Exception passed as a parameter.

void Fatal(object,Exception)

See Also

ILog Interface | Common.Logging Namespace