Common Logging 2.0 API Reference

EntLibLogger Members

EntLibLogger overview

Public Instance Constructors

EntLibLogger Constructor Initializes a new instance of the EntLibLogger class.

Public Instance Properties

Category The category of this logger
IsDebugEnabled Gets a value indicating whether this instance is debug enabled.
IsErrorEnabled Gets a value indicating whether this instance is error enabled.
IsFatalEnabled Gets a value indicating whether this instance is fatal enabled.
IsInfoEnabled Gets a value indicating whether this instance is info enabled.
IsTraceEnabled Gets a value indicating whether this instance is trace enabled.
IsWarnEnabled Gets a value indicating whether this instance is warn enabled.
LogWriter The LogWriter used by this logger.
Settings The settings used by this logger

Public Instance Methods

Debug (inherited from AbstractLogger)Overloaded. Log a message object with the Debug level.
DebugFormat (inherited from AbstractLogger)Overloaded. Log a message with the Debug level.
Equals (inherited from Object) 
Error (inherited from AbstractLogger)Overloaded. Log a message object with the Error level.
ErrorFormat (inherited from AbstractLogger)Overloaded. Log a message with the Error level.
Fatal (inherited from AbstractLogger)Overloaded. Log a message object with the Fatal level.
FatalFormat (inherited from AbstractLogger)Overloaded. Log a message with the Fatal level.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
Info (inherited from AbstractLogger)Overloaded. Log a message object with the Info level.
InfoFormat (inherited from AbstractLogger)Overloaded. Log a message with the Info level.
ToString (inherited from Object) 
Trace (inherited from AbstractLogger)Overloaded. Log a message object with the Trace level.
TraceFormat (inherited from AbstractLogger)Overloaded. Log a message with the Trace level.
Warn (inherited from AbstractLogger)Overloaded. Log a message object with the Warn level.
WarnFormat (inherited from AbstractLogger)Overloaded. Log a message with the Warn level.

Protected Instance Methods

AddExceptionInfo Adds the exception info.
CreateLogEntry Creates a minimal log entry instance that will be passed into ShouldLog to asap decide, whether this event should be logged.
Finalize (inherited from Object) 
GetTraceEventType Translates a LogLevel to a TraceEventType.
GetWriteHandler (inherited from AbstractLogger) Override this method to use a different method than WriteInternal for writing log events to the underlying log system.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 
PopulateLogEntry Configures the log entry.
ShouldLog May be overridden for custom filter logic
WriteInternal Actually sends the message to the EnterpriseLogging log system.
WriteLog Write the fully populated event to the log.

See Also

EntLibLogger Class | Common.Logging.EntLib Namespace | ILog | EntLibLoggerFactoryAdapter